Eating healthy for many people has an ominous sense and is often heard of as something to dread.... but NEWS FLASH, it doesn't have to be! Eating healthy can open up a whole new world to adventurous foods someone may have otherwise never tried. The abundant recourses available online and in books provide endless factual information on different recipes, detoxes, exercises, and so many more little adjustments to make any life healthier. Personally, foods that I haven't tried before have now become some of my favorites. Examples of some of these superfoods that add pizazz to any dish are avocados, quinoa, lemon, dark chocolate, sweet potato and many more clean-eating foods. Bananas and I have a funny story... for 16 years I NEVER liked bananas and frankly never really tried them. After realizing the potassium, antioxidants, vitamins and other metabolism boosting properties to this super-fruit, I decided to give bananas another chance to win me over. Now, a day doesn't go ...